I own Translation Office 3000 and AnyLexic, two of your most valuable products. Congratulations and thanks for your hard work.
I own Translation Office 3000 and AnyLexic, two of your most valuable products. Congratulations and thanks for your hard work.
Great work, I love your program!
Your software is wonderful and I have come to depend on it as much as Word and Explorer, the apps I use most frequently for my translation projects themselves.
I'd like to thank you for this excellent software that the freelance community has been waiting for a long long time!
Translation Office 3000 was a love at first sight. This tool has a very efficient and stable system for entering the translation projects and jobs.
I am already using Translation Office 3000 as my standard billing program.
This is a wonderful program and I have become a real fan of AIT products!!
I don't know how I could do without it, a very very helpful tool indeed!
Great customer service!
I have used TO3000 for about two months now and I must say it's a marvellous tool!
I can't tell you how much this program has made my life so much easier. I promote it whenever possible.
Prompted by your announcement on some translation forum, I tried out and immediately fell in love with your TO3000. That is just what I needed, exactly...
This tool is exactly what I was looking for.
This is the best tool for a translator/interpreter to have. It's tailored specifically to our industry and integrates the accounting function and project management into a seamless program. I love it!
This is an extremely useful tool for translators. Congratulations!!!
I switched to Translation Office 3000 last week for my language services invoicing and project tracking needs. I was impressed by its ease of use. It seems you have your ear close to the real world of language services.
I love using T3000 - it's saved me lots of time and improved my productivity by leaps and bounds!
Congratulations on a very useful product!
I've been using translation 3000 software for a couple of years and I simply LOVE it!
TO3000 is one of the best programs for translators.