Advanced International Translations

Advanced International Translations (AIT) specialize in the development of management software for the international translation community. Established in 1998, our aim is to help freelance translators and professional translation agencies build stronger and more profitable businesses through our suite of workflow management tools. We focus on empowering translation businesses to create a highly organized virtual work environment. Administrative processes are streamlined and automated where possible for better workplace efficiency.
To date, AIT has published 11 software tools for translators and translation agencies, of which TO3000 Version 10 is the newest product. AIT products are now used by 800+ translation agencies worldwide, and by thousands of freelance translators.
If you would like more information about AIT, Translation Office 3000 or one of our other products, please
Contact Us.
AIT is a proud member of:
Software products by AIT have passed strict quality standards introduced by Microsoft. AIT become Silver Partner of Microsoft in June 2011:
Other software products by AIT:
Products for Translators and Translation Agencies
Translation Management:
Word Count:
Translation Memory:
Terminology Management:
Projects for Translators and Translation Agencies
- Langmates: Social Network for Translators and Translation Agencies
- Acronymia: Acronyms and Abbreviations Search Engine
- Russian Translation Lab
- Ukrainian Translation Lab
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact AIT Software Development Team at: Translation Office 3000 Help Center.
We will answer all emails as soon as possible, usually within 12—24 hours.