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Translation Office 3000 V8 provides you with a highly efficient price managing mechanism: you only need to enter the prices of your services once and later you can get the price on one button click. You can create a separate price list for each client and/or store the general price list and apply it if there is no special price policy for a client. Price list of a particular client can be managed on the Prices page of the Client window. The general price list is available from the General Prices for Clients window. See below for details.
Price list for a particular Client (Price page of the Client window) Prices page of the Client window allows you to review, create and edit price records for different services for the selected client: what group of services, the service itself, units of work, its price and currency.
To open the Prices page, click the Client icon from the Clients part of the Navigation panel window and switch to the Prices tab or click menu Navigation > Client > Prices.
Prices page of the has four buttons: New, Edit, Delete and Copy from the General.
Click Edit button to change the values of the selected records.
Edit Price dialog box contains the same fields as New Price dialog box described above. When finished, click OK to save your changes, or Cancel to exit without saving them.
Click Delete button to edit the existing service record. After clicking you will be asked to confirm the deletion. Copy from General button allows you to copy prices from the General Prices directly to the Prices page of a particular client. On Copy from General button click opens Copy from General Prices for Clients dialog box; it is divided into two parts. The upper part is for prices of a particular client, and the lower part is a General Prices for Clients dialog box, where general prices for this or that service are already set. To copy the Service from General Prices for Clients select the necessary Service from the bottom part and click Copy Price button. Use Copy All Prices button to copy all records of General Prices for Clients list to the Prices list of the particular Client.
You can also save the price list as .RTF document or print it at once from TO3000: Select the template using the RTF Templates drop-down list and click Save/Save&Open or Print button: See Also: Templates.
In the General Prices for Clients window of TO3000 you can create a price list with standard prices for your services and apply it when there are no special price conditions for a client. To open General Prices for Clients window click the corresponding icon from the Navigation panel or click General Prices for Clients command from Navigation menu. To add a new Price record click New button. In the New General Prices for Clients window select the Group of services, Service, Units, Currency using corresponding drop-down lists and enter the Price value manually, click OK to save and exit or click Cancel to exit without saving. To edit the existing Price record, select it from the list and click Edit button. Edit General Prices for Clients window will open, where you can change Group, Service, Units, Price or Currency value.To confirm your editing click OK; to discard click Cancel. To delete the existing price record, select it from the list and click Delete button. The record will be deleted after your confirmation.
As any table you can find in Translation Office 3000 V8, list of general prices in the General Prices for Clients window can be sorted by each column value by clicking the corresponding column caption.
You can also save the price list as .RTF document or print it at once from TO3000: Select the template using the RTF Templates drop-down list and click Save/Save&Open or Print button: See Also: Templates.