tologo Templates

Templates in TO3000 3D+

A Template is an RTF ("Rich Text Format") file stored in your TO3000 3D+ Business/Templates folder and used as a template when saving work flow documents in RTF (rich text format) or PDF (portable document format) files. RTF files can be opened with most text editors, including MS Word, and easily converted to the more common .doc format.


Saving a document for printing

The following documents can be saved as printable RTF, PDF and DOC files using their own templates:

  • Price lists

  • Invoices

  • Payments from clients summaries

  • Project, and client job summaries

  • Quotes

  • Credit notes and refunds


Documents can be saved using the windows Edit Invoice, Edit Project and so on, as well as the Prices tabs of the Client/Prospect window, and the General Prices for Clients/Prospects window.

Any window which has an RTF Templates section can be used to save its data in a printable document.

RTF template controls display a drop-down list, which can be used to select different templates.


  • Use the RTF Templates drop-down list to select the Template which must be used for saving the current document in an RTF file.

  • Click the Save button to save the template-based document in the respective folder.

  • Click Save & Open button to open this document in your default text editor immediately after saving it.

  • Click the Print button to quickly send this document to the printer.

  • Click the Send Mail to open the Mail sender with the template-based document already attached and ready to send.

_bm3 NOTE: You can choose to save the output file in RTF, PDF or DOC format by selecting this format in the Save As window with the help of the Save as type drop-down list.


Template files

Each document type (like invoices, purchase orders, quotes, and so on) uses templates stored in a specific folder, named by the document type it stores templates for.



By editing a template's layout and format, you edit the layout and format of all the documents which will be saved with it. There can be a number of templates to choose from for one document type. Each RTF file in the template folders is considered a template.


Editing templates

Templates can be opened for editing using the Templates section of the TO3000 3D+ Personal settings. To edit templates:

1. Click User Settings in the Backstage view.

2. Click the Templates section of the Business settings window.

3. Locate the folder of the document, the templates for which you want to edit.

4. Open the required template file with your text editor (MS Word or any other editor supporting the RTF format).

5. After making all the necessary changes, save the Template in the same or new RTF file of the same folder.

_bm3 Note: Template folders can also be opened with a regular file browser, like Windows Explorer.


Template Variables

A variable is a specific symbol combination which is entered in template files. When a document is saved using a template, TO3000 3D+ recognizes the variables and inserts required data in the resulting document.

Variables are indicated with "\" (backslash) symbols at the beginning and end,

example Example: \CLIENT_NAME\, \CLIENT_STREET1\, \CLIENT_PHONE1\ etc.

Each variable represents a portion of data which will be inserted in its place when the document is saved.

_bm3 Note: A template can be edited without changing the wording and layout of variables (fonts and colors can still be changed).

Advanced users can learn about template variables; add/delete them as necessary, customizing templates to the maximum.




See also:

Logic of Templates

Template settings