tologo Project Window Calendar tab

The Calendar tab of the Project window displays client jobs belonging to the currently selected project  in the visual format of calendar blocks. Each block stretches across the calendar from assignment until completion, or until the deadline if the job has not been completed yet.

Double–click any block to open the corresponding  job for editing.

See the Using Calendars topic for more information on calendars.



Calendar block colors

Like the jobs they represent, calendar blocks can have different colors, depending on the statuses of respective jobs:

Green — the job is not completed yet, but its deadline is in the future.

Blue — the job is not completed and due today.

Red — the job is not completed and overdue (its deadline is in the past).

Grey — the job is canceled.

Pale Pink — the job is completed.

Pale green — the job is Heads-Up.

Pale Orange — the job is On Hold.




See also:

Using Calendars

Project window