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Translation Office 3000 V8 users can enjoy the built-in AnyCount 5.0 - word, character and custom volume units count tool. It counts single or multiple files of all commonly used file formats: .RTF, .DOC, .WPD, .XLS, .PPT, .PPS, .PDF, .CSV, .HTM, .HTML, .XML, .TXT, .ZIP. You can specify AnyCount settings (general and specific for different files formats) on the AnyCount page of the Personal Settings window. AnyCount page opens automatically when Personal Settings window opens.
Common When Skip Numbers check box is selected, AnyCount produces count omitting numbers in the documents. If Show Full Path is selected, then in AnyCount Notes (which appear after you use AnyCount when creating Client/Expert Job ) you will see the full path of the file counted. For example, Show Full Path is selected:
Show Full Path is cleared:
.DOC, .RTF, .WPD AnyCount comes with important additional options for counting .DOC, .RTF and .WPD files. Select the corresponding options to enable:
AnyCount is able to optionally ignore texts in identical Headers/Footers.
.XLS When counting MS Excel files AnyCount is able to optionally include separate count for:
.PPT, .PPS AnyCount is able to optionally include important additional count statistics for PowerPoint files:
.HTM AnyCount is able to optionally include important additional count statistics for .HTM/.HTML files:
.CSV AnyCount can automatically recognize text delimiters. But you can also set custom delimiters and text qualifiers in cases of non-standard files. Available delimiters: , - comma, ; - semicolon Available text qualifiers: ' - apostrophe, " - quotation marks.
.PDF, .TXT, .XML .PDF, .TXT and .XML formats does not require any special settings.
.MIF When counting .MIF files AnyCount can optionally include additional counts for: