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In the New Invoice window you can specify the necessary details for issuing an Invoice (i.e. client jobs, their cost, discounts/markups, taxes, payment m ethod etc.). New Invoice window opens on New button click from Invoices page of the Client window. To add a job to invoice, click on the Add Job to Invoice button. In the appearing Client Jobs without Invoice window, select the necessary job click OK to add that job to the invoice, or click Cancel to exit without adding it. If on any reason you want to delete the job from the invoice, select it from the list and click the Remove Job from Invoice button. The Client Jobs list on the New Invoice window (this goes to the Edit Invoice window either) can be sorted by each column value (click the necessary column caption). Right-click on the list to open the menu containing commands for customizing the list view and exporting it to a separate file: See Right-click menu for details. You can set the discounts and markups using the Discount/Markup, Discount/Markup 2 drop-down lists (you can add/change/delete entries of this lists on the Discounts/Markups page of the Business Settings window). On the Adjustments page of the New Invoice window you can enter additional expenses which should be added to the invoice, but are not taxed nor influenced by discounts/markups. I.e. Invoice Total = Total Jobs with discounts/markups and taxes + Adjustments. Enter the sum of the expenses to the Volume field. Optionally you can fill the Description field.
On the Payment method tab of the New Invoice window you can select the Payment method for this invoice (using the drop-down list), i.e. indication how to transfer funds and details (e.g. requisites). You can create/delete/modify Payment methods on the Payment Methods page of the Business Settings window.
After the Invoice is added to the database, on the Linked with Payments tab you can see if there are any payments linked to the Invoice. See Edit Invoice window
The Linked with Payments tab of the New Invoice window is empty as the Invoice is only being created in the New Invoice window and therefore no Payments could be linked to it yet. Any notes concerning the invoice you can add on the Notes tab of the New Invoice window. Under the tabs of the New Invoice window the Client Currency is displayed (see the screenshot above). If the Client Currency differs from your Base Currency, the exchange rate button is displayed also: Clicking the exchange rate button you can change the exchange rate in the Edit Exchange Rate dialog box: Please, note that the rate is changed for the current Invoice only! Now, that you have entered the job to the invoice, click OK to save it, or click Cancel to discard the changes. This job will be added to the Invoices page, and you will be able to edit, delete or make it void, as well as choose the appropriate status for it.
See Also: