tologo Quotes Template Variables

Using the variables of quote templates you can construct templates either for your reference or for sending to the client by email or fax.

Common Quote Variables




Possible quote name.



Quote code.


Request for quote.


Answer to request for quote.



Date sent in the following format: 10/4/2006.



Date sent in the following format: Monday, October 04, 2006.



Date assigned in the following format: 10/4/2006.


Date assigned in the following format: Monday, October 04, 2006.



Deadline date in the following format: 10/4/2006.



Deadline date in the following format: Monday, October 04, 2006.


Status of quote (unknown, accepted, rejected)


Quote totals




Quote total in the client's currency


Quote total in the base currency


Jobs total in the client's currency


Jobs total in the base currency


Jobs total with discounts in the client's currency


Jobs total with discounts in the base currency


Jobs total volume in base units






Indicates if tax 1 has been added; used in algorithms (If tax 1 exists = True, if it doesn’t = False)


Tax 1 name


Tax 1 value in percents


Tax 1 value in the client's currency


Tax 1 value in the base currency


Used in algorithms (If tax 2 exists = True, if it doesn’t = False)


Tax 2 name


Tax 2 value in percents


Tax 2 value the in the client's currency


Tax 2 value the in the base currency


Indicates if the taxes in the Tax fields are set; used in algorithms (If any tax is set = True, if it they are not = False)


Total in the client's currency after Tax 1 is applied


Total in the base currency after Tax 1 is applied






Indicates if the discount/markup in the Discount/Markup field is set; used in algorithms (If discount 1 exists = True, if it does not = False)


Discount 1 name


Discount 1 value in percents


Discount 1 value in the client's currency


Discount 1 value in the base currency


Indicates if the discount/markup in the Discount/Markup field is set; used in algorithms (If discount 2 exists = True, if it does not = False)


Discount 2 name


Discount 2 value in percents


Discount 2 value in the client's currency


Discount 2 value in the base currency


Indicates if the discounts/markups in the Discount/Markup fields are set; used in algorithms (If any discount is set = True, if there are no = False)


Total in the client's currency after Discount 1 applied


Total in the base currency after Discount 1 applied


Draft Client Job variables for Quotes to Clients

The following variables refer to draft client jobs, added to the client quote.




Name of the draft client job.


Group of services of the draft client job.


Service name of the draft client job.


Units in which draft client job volume is specified.


Price of the draft client job.


Volume of the draft client job.


Type of price set for the client job (can be per unit, flat fee, or free).


Draft client job total.


CATCount notes of the draft client job (if the job volume had been entered with the help of CATCount).



See also:

Logic of Templates