tologo Main tab and Project Profile

The Main tab of the Project window contains a list of projects and project profiles. Use this tab to create new Projects, change project parameters and close Projects as they get completed.

To open the Main tab of the Project window, click the Project icon in the Ribbon, and then select the Main tab.



Project list options

To search for a project by its name, or any other field currently displayed,  type the string being searched into the field over the project list and click Find.

To sort the project list by a certain column, click the column's header . Clicking the Code column will sort projects by their codes (chronologically), clicking the Project name column will sort projects by their names (alphabetically).

Information displayed in projects list can be configured. Use the Customize columns option to add or remove columns (Deadline, PM and so on).

Projects in the list can be filtered by project status (completed, heads-up and so on).


Status colors and flags

Projects in the list are shown in different colors. These are determined by the current status of each project:

Green — the project is not completed yet, but its deadline is in the future.

Blue — the project is not completed and due today.

Red — the project is not completed and overdue (its deadline is in the past).

Black — the project is completed.

 Note: You can change the colors on the Colors: Status tab of the User Settings menu in the Backstage view.

Also, if a project has any status other than Normal, it will be highlighted in a different background color:

Orange background —  On Hold status

Green background —  Heads-Up status

Grey background —  Canceled status

Note: You can change the status of any project with the help of the Status drop-down list in the Edit Project window.

Note: To configure the status colors, in the Backstage view click User Settings, then click Colors: Status.

To flag a project, right-click it's entry and select a flag.


Editing project data

A Project Code is automatically assigned to each Project in TO3000 3D+. All Project Codes are unique and cannot be edited.

Name - the project's name can be up to 150 characters long.

Client PM - one of the client's contacts, responsible for this project on the client side. The person selected here will be set as the default client's PM for all new client jobs in this project. See the Contacts List topic for details on adding and editing contacts.

Timeline - the timeline of a project in TO3000 3D+ includes the assigned and deadline dates, and the date when the project has been actually completed. The Deadline and Completed values are taken into account when the program determines the status of projects (like due today, overdue and so on).

Project Folder — this part of the project's profile can be used to store and access the project's work files. Click the Folder button on the right side of the field to open the folder in TO3000 Explorer (creating it if it does not exist yet).

Special Status - these are used when project needs to be put on hold, when you create a heads-up (or potential) project or cancel a project. Projects with on hold status have their  deadlines undetermined, thus on hold projects cannot become overdue. Projects with heads-up status cannot be set as completed, since heads-up status assumes that work has not yet started. A project can also be cancelled. A cancelled project has no deadline, since the status implies that it was abandoned.

General Information - the project profile can contain any general information relevant to this project in the form of a plain text note.


Custom Project Data

The project database can be customized by adding custom fields. Any custom fields that have been added to the project database can be accessed by clicking the Custom Fields tab, next to the Project Profile tab.

To add custom fields to projects, click Advanced Settings in the Backstage view, and click the Fields section.




See also:

Creating Client Jobs