tologo Common Template Variables

There are four categories of common variables accessible in all templates:

·User information variables;

·Current date variables;

·Client information variables;

·Client currency variable.


User information variables




The registration name taken from your License Key. It cannot be modified within the program.


The company's Base Currency


Date variables




The date in short format (for example, 10/4/2006)




The date in long format (for example, Monday, October 04, 2006)


Client information variables

This set is available in all templates where a single client is known (all templates except Profile templates when used in the Master Profile):




Name of client.


Code of client.


Currency of client.


Minimum fee of client.


Payment terms of client.


Additional notes on payment terms of client.


The client's address. This variable has a pre-defined order. If the address format is different in your country, you can use separate address items to include the address into your customized template.


Street address of client.


Street address 2 (if available) of client.


City from the client's profile.


State from the client's profile.


Country from the client's profile.


ZIP from the client's profile.


E-mail of client.


Alternative e-mail 2 (if available) from the client's profile.


Phone number of client from the client's profile.


Alternative phone number 2 (if available) from the client's profile.


Alternative phone number 3 (if available) from the client's profile.


Alternative phone number 4 (if available) from the client's profile.


Fax number from the client's profile.




Web-site address from the client's profile.


Application information of the client the document was produced for.




URL (Web tab address) for application submission / information.


General Information about the client from the client's profile.


VAT Number of client  from the client's profile.


_bm3 NOTE: The \CLIENT_ADDRESS\ variable has a pre-defined order. If the address format is different in your country, you can use separate address items to include the address into your customized template.

The usage of special comma-terminated variables \CLIENT_STREET1_C\, \CLIENT_STREET2_C\, \CLIENT_CITY_C\, \CLIENT_STATE_C\, \CLIENT_COUNTRY_C\, \CLIENT_ZIP_C\ is necessary if you would like parts of the address to be separated by commas. You can also insert commas directly into the template but in this case unnecessary commas may appear even if some variable (like the second line of the street address) is left empty.




See also:

Logic of Templates