tologo Client Jobs Template Variables

Variables for templates from the New/Edit Job dialog box can be used to construct document templates either for your reference during the work process or for confirming job details to the client.




Job name.



Job code.



The purchase order the client issued for this job.


Client's reference number in the client's accounting system.


Service name.


Group of Services name.


Job instructions.


Work notes.


Job volume.


Job type (for example: per unit, flat fee, free)


Job price.


Job units.


Job total.


Date when the job was assigned in the following format: 10/4/2006.



Date when the job was assigned in the following format: Monday, October 04, 2006.


Job deadline in the following format: 10/4/2006.



Job deadline in the following format: Monday, October 04, 2006.



Completion date in the following format: 10/4/2006.



Completion date in the following format: Monday, October 04, 2006.


CATCount or AnyCount notes.



Invoice  code.



Invoice  global code.




See also:

Logic of Templates