tologo Creating refunds

New refunds are created by pressing the New button in the Refunds tab of the Client window.

_bm3 Note: A refund for a specific credit note can also be created in the Edit Credit note window by clicking the Mark as paid button.



New/Edit Refund window contains the following data:

Date Received — part from reference purposes,  this date will also be used by Global Date filter.

Code — the refund code is generated automatically. In this code the "R" character means that this is a refund, the letters afterwards represent code of the client, and the number is the value of the refunds counter for this client. Each client has an independent code counter for refunds.

Value — the total amount of the refund in the client's currency. TO3000 will calculate your revenues in your base currency according to the exchange rates.

If the client's currency differs from your base currency, the Currency Exchange Rate button will be available. By clicking this button, you may change the currency exchange rate used in this refund. Note that this button does not change the general exchange rate stored in your TO3000 database. To change the exchange rate for all future refunds, go to the Exchange Rates tab of the Business Settings.

Notes — any additional information can be entered here.

Linked with Credit Notes — the refund's value can be linked with credit notes — fully or partially. The table on the Linked with Credit Notes tab indicates which amount is linked to which credit note


Saving / Printing / E-mailing refunds

To print, save or E-mail a Refund as a text document, use the RTF template controls near the bottom of the New/Edit window.

Use the RTF Templates drop-down list to select the template which should be used for printing, saving or e-mailing this refund as an RTF file. Click the Save, Save & Open, Print, or Send Mail button to save, print, or e-mail the Refund.

NOTE: You can choose to save the output file in RTF, DOC or PDF format by selecting this format in the Save As window with the help of the Save as type drop-down list.

To edit templates for refunds, in the Backstage view click Business Settings and select Templates. Templates for refunds are located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\AIT\TO3000, Version 3D\Templates\CLIENTS\Refunds\.




See also:

Refunds Tab of Client Window